We aim to build a useful, reproducible, democratized benchmark for
learning household robotic manipulation from human videos. To realize this goal, a
diverse, high-quality human video dataset curated specifically for robots is desired.
To evaluate the learning progress, a simulated twin environment that resembles
the appearance and the dynamics of the physical world would help roboticists
and AI researchers validate their algorithms convincingly and efficiently before
testing on a real robot. We introduce RoboTube, a benchmark platform that can lower the barrier to robotics research
while facilitating reproducible research in the community.
We build a diverse and high-quality human video demonstration dataset with multiple functionalities.
Construction Overview
To benchmark the baseline methods, we construct a suite of simulated twin environments, RT-sim. With RT-sim, researchers can make a fair comparison of their approaches with the baseline methods and can validate their algorithms convincingly and efficiently before conducting more complex experiments on real robots.
Paper & Code
Latest Paper Version: OpenReview,
To cite this work, please use the following BibTex entry,
title={RoboTube: Learning Household Manipulation from Human Videos with Simulated Twin Environments},
author={haoyu Xiong and Haoyuan Fu and Jieyi Zhang and Chen Bao and Qiang Zhang and Yongxi Huang and Wenqiang Xu and Animesh Garg and Cewu Lu},
booktitle={6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Haoyu Xiong.